What is the truth about makeup? Most women—even some little girls—wear it. Yet few know its history. Even fewer know what God’s Word says about it. Are cosmetics addressed in the Bible? Does it approve their use? Is makeup wrong—sin? What principles apply? Here are the answers!
How Satan Seduced Eve
We have referred to the Creation account and the Garden of Eden. Now we need to examine it from a different perspective.
The Genesis account describes two very different trees—the TREE OF LIFE and the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.
Here is how God instructed Adam and Eve: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die” (2:16-17).
In Chapter 3, Satan confronted Eve. He offered an alternative plan, based on beauty, in place of God’s command, and sold it to her. “Now the serpent [Satan] was more subtle than any beast of the field…And he said unto the woman, Yes, has God said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (vs. 1). Satan then lied, telling Eve, “You shall not surely die” (vs. 4).
His seduction was brilliant. The woman took the bait!
Notice: “And when the woman SAW that the tree was good for food, and that it was PLEASANT TO THE EYES, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat” (vs. 6). Instead of following God’s instructions, Eve made her decision according to what her senses told her. She went by sight. Disregarding God’s warning about the fatal results of eating of the wrong tree, she physically saw that the tree was good for food and ate it. Satan deceived Eve into believing his lie by appealing to her senses.
No doubt Eve thought that eating the fruit would make her feel good, because it was attractive—beautiful. But there was more at work in Eve’s mind than first meets the eye.
Notice that the tree Satan offered was attractive in three ways. We will focus on the second and third—“pleasant to the eyes” and “to make one wise.”
The apostle John, in the New Testament, spoke of the same three “selling points,” from the world’s physical attractions, at work on Christians. These same points attract women today—exactly as the wrong tree attracted Eve.
Notice: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the LUST OF THE EYES, and the PRIDE OF LIFE, is not of the Father, but is of the world” (I John 2:15-16).
The three pulls in John’s statement about the nature of the world directly correspond with what Eve saw in the wrong tree—and they are still deceiving women, exactly as they did Eve!
The “lust of the eyes” and the “pride of life” are equivalent to “pleasant to the eyes” and “to make one wise.” The second phrase—“the pride of life”—is the appeal to VANITY, which is inseparable from PRIDE! When women wear makeup, it appeals to their vanity and pride, in the same way that the tree did to Eve. She wanted to be associated with beauty and beautiful things—even when contrary to God’s instruction. She wanted the right to make decisions for herself in what is right or wrong—and what is, or is not, pride and vanity.
Solomon said, “There is no new thing under the sun” (Ecc. 1:9). And nothing has changed in the 6,000 years since the Garden account, or the 3,000 years since Solomon wrote this.
Just as Adam followed Eve, who had followed Satan into a life based on deception and the importance of physical beauty, so the entire world has followed their mistake, and been deceived by Satan. Notice: “…the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world…” (Rev. 12:9).
The book of Ezekiel describes Satan’s origin. He was once the archangel Lucifer. At his creation, he was perfect. Chapter 28 records, “You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, till iniquity was found in you” (vs. 15).
Something happened. Lucifer changed. Notice: “Your heart was lifted up [pride, vanity entered] because of your beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness” (vs. 17). Lucifer’s heart (mind) was “lifted up” because of his beauty, and he became filled with vanity. Corrupted by these attitudes, he became the devil.
Satan told Eve that God had lied to her and that the tree would make her wise. (Lucifer once had great wisdom, but lost it after he rebelled.) He convinced her that God was holding her back from being “as gods” (Gen. 3:5), like Satan himself (II Cor. 4:4). The beauty of the tree took her in, and sin came into mankind through her.
Just as many are deceived on the seeming unimportance of makeup, so was Eve deceived into believing that eating of the tree was not an important issue—that it was “a light thing” (I Kgs. 16:31). But it is nota light thing to God! It brought her under the death penalty!
The Proverbs twice state, “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of DEATH” (14:12; 16:25). Some things may feel or “seem” good, yet they lead to death. So many think that what they do is “not that bad” or that it will not lead to death—but they are wrong!
Makeup appeals to both the sense of sight and vanity. Women wear cosmetics because they feel this makes them look more attractive. By this feeling of increased beauty, their vanity swells. This is exactly what happened to Satan!
I have known many who sought to get around God’s will. Like Satan, they rebel. This booklet will not—cannot—help them. Some are determined to “lean…unto their own understanding” (Prov. 3:5). They fulfill the Proverbs that “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes” (21:2) and “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes” (16:2). They cannot be told to do anything, and this booklet will have no positive effect on their thinking. They have no interest in what God thinks.
Adam agreed with his wife and joined her in mutual decision. He told her what she wanted to hear rather than what she needed to hear. An angry man once told me, “But I like my wife wearing makeup.” His wife was in her 60s and desperately trying not to look her age. He agreed with her, telling her what she wanted to hear, rather than what she needed to hear—which could be likened to “be willing to grow old gracefully, and naturally.”
Do you husbands think about whether GOD likes makeup, or do you only think about whether your wifedoes—or whether you do?
II Corinthians 11:3 states that Satan “beguiled” Eve. Will you women of today also be “beguiled” into believing Satan’s lie? Will you follow Mother Eve’s example and choose what is appealing and pleasant to your eyes?
What Is Sin?
Many are confused on whether using makeup is a sin. Although every Bible example refers to women who used it as prostitutes, many still seek proof whether makeup is sinful. What is sin? And whodecides what is sin?
God answers: “Whosoever commits sin transgresses [breaks] also the law: for SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW” (I John 3:4). This is the true definition of sin. Do not concern yourself with what men say, but rather with what the Bible says. God’s Word reveals the TRUTH (John 17:17).
Sin is the opposite of obedience—it is the transgression of the law. If Christians are to obey God, then they must know what sin is—and what they are to obey.
The answer is the Ten Commandments.
GOD decides what sin is. He states that it is transgressing—breaking—His laws. Paul wrote, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Rom. 3:20). Later, he continues, “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. No, I had not known sin, but for the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, You shall not covet [the Tenth Commandment]” (Rom. 7:7).
Paul recognized that he only learned what sin was through God’s laws. Lust violates the Tenth Commandment—and is therefore sin!
Sin is anything that goes against God’s Word. Eve sinned because she disobeyed God’s instruction. She took to herself the right to decide right and wrong. Many today do the same with God’s teachings. They pick and choose which they will obey and which they will ignore. They allow their human nature to dictate what they do, basing decisions on what “feels” or “seems” right.
Understand something about your human nature. It will not be pleasant to hear. Paul states, “Because the carnal [natural] mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Rom. 8:7). Now read Jeremiah: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (17:9). This is a graphic description of the natural tendency of human nature—the carnal mind—at work within you. It wants to defy God’s instruction and then deceive itself into believing it did not.
Recall the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which described makeup as “…products nobody needs—but wanting them is human nature.” Human nature or, as Paul stated, “the law of sin which is in my members,” is the driving force behind the billion-dollar cosmetics industry. It is that simple! (To learn more about this topic, read our article “What Is Sin?”)
The Spirit of the Law
Did Christ bring a new definition of sin? Has God’s Law changed?
Christ declared, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matt. 5:17). The law of God is not done away. He also taught that the New Testament Church is built, in part, on the prophets. Notice: “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone” (Eph. 2:20). We have seen what Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel (prophets) said about makeup.
Right after Matthew 5:17, Christ examined several of the Ten Commandments. He magnified and strengthened each one He referenced.
Concerning the Sixth Commandment, He explained that if killing your brother is a sin, it is also a sin to even hate him. Regarding adultery, He said that even lusting after a woman violates the Seventh Commandment.
Violating the spirit of the law is sin—and all sin is against God (Psa. 51:4). This includes makeup. God’s spiritual law (Rom. 7:14, 12) governs every action in life. It is best described in a single word—LOVE. It is outgoing concern for others. The way of this world is incoming, not outgoing. It practices the “get” (for self) way of life. God’s way is best summarized as the “give” way. The first four commandments teach how to love God and the last six how to love our neighbor (Matt. 22:36-39).
Love is the fulfilling of God’s eternal, spiritual Law (Rom. 13:10; I John 5:3). Christ taught that we must practice the spirit of this law. God says that this law gives life. This is better than obeying God in just the physical letter of His commandments: “Who also has made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life” (II Cor. 3:6).
God’s way is also summarized by practicing the nine FRUITS of the Spirit. They are found in Galatians 5: “LOVE, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, MEEKNESS [or humility, the opposite of vanity and pride], temperance” (vs. 22-23).
If God’s spiritual law reflects love for God and man, then the opposite is self-love—focusing on the things of self and getting for self. Sin is the opposite of love. This includes vanity.
Competition, strife, greed, envy, jealousy, hatred and lust all flow from vanity—and they are all the opposite of love. Recall the many scriptures describing the outcome of vain and proud people (Jer. 51:18; Ezek. 13:8; Isa. 40:17, 44:9; Ecc. 2:21; Psa. 144:4). These verses are a sobering warning to all!
David wrote, “I hate every false way” (Psa. 119:104). Obviously, deceiving—by altering one’s appearance through makeup—is a “false way.” Do you hate EVERY false way—or just the ones that feelwrong?
David offers fascinating insight about the connection between God’s Law and vanity. He made a clear distinction between them, recording, “I hate VAIN thoughts: but Your law do I love” (Psa. 119:113). Do you hate the thoughts of vanity? Try to do this as you put on makeup.
Finally, David said, “Turn away mine eyes from beholding VANITY” (119:37), and “Remove far from meVANITY and LIES” (Prov. 30:8). Wearing makeup is a form of deceit—and all deceit, in one way or another, is a lie.
David’s son Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote, “…VANITY of VANITIES; all is VANITY” (Ecc. 1:2).
Vanity turned the powerful archangel Lucifer into Satan the devil. Wanting to get around God’s Law, he rebelled. VANITY caused Eve to listen to Satan and to sin against God. VANITY—focus on SELF—leads women to purchase and apply cosmetics!
Do women wear makeup to show love toward neighbor? NO! Do they wear it to please God? NO! They do it to focus on and please themselves.
Eve was not in submission to Adam. She should have been concerned with obeying him and God. Instead, she set out on her own and got into big trouble.
Beauty Is Within
Here is God’s instruction to every woman. The next verses show that God is interested in a woman’sCONDUCT—her CHARACTER. Grasp what the inspired apostle Peter records: “Likewise, you wives, be insubjection to your own husbands; that, if any [husbands] obey not the word, they also may without the word [without having to quote the Bible] be won by the conversation [conduct] of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation [conduct]…Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man[your inner person] of the heart [mind], in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meekand quiet spirit [attributes of godly character], which is in the sight of God of GREAT PRICE” (I Pet. 3:1-4). MEEKNESS is the opposite of pride and vanity, which oppose the character God wants you to build. God prizes HUMILITY!
God is concerned with character—spiritual adornment! He is not interested in physical gold or jewels. God is interested in your inner person. He is far more interested in the beauty of your heart than your clothes. If your character is pure and attractive, then you are properly attired in God’s sight!
This kind of beauty is good enough for God! IS IT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?
However, it is not wrong to wear jewelry. Some assume that these verses imply this, when they do not. Some have asked why God, in Ezekiel 16, attired ancient Israel in beautiful clothes and jewels.
First, recognize that jewelry, of and by itself, is not sin. As with alcohol, cards, dancing and other activities, it is not the thing or activity that is wrong, but rather the wrong USE of the thing or activity.
What about Ezekiel 16? The context is God chose ancient Israel to be His bride. The Old Covenant is actually a marriage agreement between God, as King, and the wife He chose to be His Queen.
Notice: “I clothed you also with broidered work, and shod you with badgers’ skin, and I girded you about with fine linen, and I covered you with silk. I decked you also with ornaments, and I put braceletsupon your hands, and a chain on your neck. And I put a jewel on your forehead, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head. Thus were you decked with gold and silver; and your raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and broidered work; you did eat fine flour, and honey, and oil: AND YOU WERE EXCEEDING BEAUTIFUL, and you did prosper into a kingdom. And your renown went forth among the heathen for your beauty: for it was perfect through My comeliness, which I had put upon you, says the Lord GOD” (vs. 10-14).
This symbolizes how God adorned His young wife in preparation for a royal marriage ceremony. This description is not literal, but figurative. Since God instructs women to have a “meek and quiet spirit,” this is not His authorization of the opposite.
There is nothing here that authorizes, or in any way speaks about, the use of facial paint (which God chose not to use). To suggest that it does is to be dishonest with the scriptures. These verses do show that jewelry, worn in moderation, is not displeasing to God. Here is the point. The use of quality dress and jewelry enhanced Israel’s natural beauty—it in no way altered her natural features.
The problem that God highlighted through Peter was the gaudy and ostentatious overuse of gold threads interwoven (plaited) into women’s hair. Certain brethren at that time, in an extravagant display, were wearing extremely expensive clothes and other gold and jewels. Of course, we are all familiar with women in today’s world who seek to be “one woman fashion parades,” dressing purely for the purpose of getting attention for self. Many strive to be “dressed to kill.” Once again, when it comes to vanity, there is nothing new under the sun.
Makeup is for SELF. It is done to make SELF “get” more beauty, “get” more attention—and “get” morelooks from others. These are all based upon the “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.” They are done for purely SELFISH reasons.
God’s way strives to GIVE, not GET!
Can Makeup Be Worn in Moderation?
Many women see nothing wrong with just a little makeup. Let’s ask then: Is it alright to wear just a tiny—“moderate”—bit of makeup?
Wearing makeup is an addiction. Billions of dollars are spent because the world is addicted to vanity. A small amount of drugs will not help an addict recover from his addiction.
Likewise, wearing makeup in moderation is to say that one can sin in moderation. This is the same as saying that one can be pregnant in moderation or dead in moderation. Impossible!
A little blush or mascara is still sin! There is absolutely nowhere in the Bible where God allows for even a little bit of sin. And sin always spreads and grows worse: “A little leaven leavens the whole lump” (Gal. 5:9).
Sin is sin!
Remember: “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12; 16:25). This warning is for all who have “ears to hear” (Rev. 3:13).
Paul writes, “And be not conformed to this world: but be you TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom. 12:2).
This booklet has sought to teach you God’s will on the subject of makeup. All who seek God’s will must never be concerned with the world’s standards. We must be concerned with God’s standards—His will.
You cannot be worried, or even concerned, about what others might think of you. God’s Word explains, “For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that you run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you” (I Pet. 4:3-4).
Everyone wants to fit in, be liked and accepted by the majority. No one naturally wants to stick out, unless it is also designed to get attention—however perverse. You should expect others to think you are strange, extreme, and radical. They will tell you that you are being unbalanced. But they speak from the viewpoint of people, not God.
Upon first removing your makeup, you will even look strange to yourself, but this feeling will quickly disappear. It will be replaced by a sense of relief, because of all the time and money you will save.
Ephesians 2:3 states, “Among whom also we all had our conversation [conduct] in times past in thelusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.”
We have all sinned. While the Ephesians had once practiced the sinful lusts of the flesh, they were subject to God’s wrath. They repented and Christ’s blood covered their guilty past.
We were once the same. But by learning the truths of God, we see the errors of our past. His Law will not cleanse our past sins, but it will help us see past mistakes and will allow us to avoid repeating them.
James 1:22-24 states, “But be you DOERS of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was.”
Imagine looking at your reflection in the mirror. Upon observation, you discover dirt on your face. Would you attempt to clean or wipe your face with the mirror? Of course not. Likewise, God’s Law, by itself, and without Christ’s blood, will not remove sin.
God’s Law is His spiritual mirror. By looking into it, we see our errors and faults—the dirt on our faces. Now, unless we go and remove the dirt and thoroughly wash it away, the mirror has not helped us. Also, would the dirt disappear just by looking into the mirror?
Of course not! The mirror only provides a way to examine the face.
Here is the point. God’s law is intended to help you wash your face—not paint your face. If you will honestly look into God’s mirror, it will help you see the paint—and other sin—that should be REMOVED, rather than APPLIED!
Do’s and Don’ts?
Some have wanted to establish a thorough list of “do’s and don’ts” governing every aspect and detail of what is, and is not, the use of makeup. This approach is fraught with problems. Adhering to some artificial list defining the “letter of the law on makeup” neglects the spirit of the law.
Such lists invariably grow longer over time and lead to more questions—not fewer. This is the classic problem with all of man’s laws. The unending, complicated, detailed court rulings, made to clarify man’s many laws, prove the old adage that “law always begets more law.” With the laws of men, this is true.
While many religions of men work this way, God does not want His Church to engage in “legalizing” every conceivable question in life. This practice eventually focuses on the physical instead of the spiritual—and, in the case of makeup, loses the most important principles that explain what is really wrong with it. The Church cannot “rule” on every question.
For instance, a woman facing baldness must herself determine if wearing a wig is a matter of necessity. Does she do it intending to bring herself back to her original appearance—or is it to take her from her normal appearance to something else?
Concealing facial scarring involves the same principle. Women with severe scarring, whether from birth defect, accident, extensive acne, etc., must honestly determine whether they are using foundation for this purpose.
Some ask whether dying their hair, as it turns gray or white, is part of changing their appearance. They reason that they are simply returning their hair to the color of their youth. However, God says, “Thehoary [gray or white] head is a CROWN OF GLORY, if it be found in the way of righteousness” (Prov. 16:31).
Why would a Christian, one who is walking in the “way of righteousness,” want to remove what God calls a “CROWN”?
The Bible says Christians are to be crowned (Rev. 2:10; 3:11; Jms. 1:12) for eternity, as kings and priests (Rev. 5:10). No doubt, since you wish to receive THIS crown from God in the next life, why would you not want to receive this other natural, physical crown, which some are blessed to wear in this life?
Each woman must be careful that she does not “play games” with God to get around the plain teaching about cosmetics. If your intent is to “beat the system,” you may be able to fool yourself or others, but not God (Prov. 16:2; 21:2)!
Israel Not to Copy Heathen
Numerous times, God instructed and warned ancient Israel not to copy the customs, traditions, abominations and pagan ways of the nations around them. The Old Testament stories about Israel are almost entirely about their repeated, blatant disregard for God’s plain—impossible to misunderstand—instruction. Invariably, Israel slipped into imitating her neighbors, rather than setting an example for them (Deut. 4:6-8).
When God brought Israel into the Promised Land, He knew that they would come under temptation, even great pressure, to “be like everyone else” and to “be accepted” by surrounding nations. Consider this blunt instruction: “When you are come unto the land which the LORD your God gives you, and shall possess it, and shall dwell therein, and shall say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me…” (Deut. 17:14).
One of the most powerful drives in the world is to be like everyone else. But this pull can lead to serious trouble. “Keeping up with the Joneses” means slipping into direct disobedience to God’s basic commands: “When you are come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the ABOMINATIONS of those nations…For all that do these things are an ABOMINATION unto the LORD: and because of these ABOMINATIONS the LORD your God does drive them out from before you” (Deut. 18:9, 12).
God went on to instruct Israel that they needed to be vigilant and careful that they not slide, wittingly or unwittingly, into customs that were not pleasing to Him: “Take heed to yourself that you be notsnared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before you; and that you enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. You shall not do so unto the LORD your God: for every ABOMINATION to the LORD, which He hates, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it” (Deut. 12:30-32).
There is a parallel in these verses today for spiritual Israel—the Church. Ancient Israel was called the “Church in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38). God did not put His Spirit in Old Testament Israel, but He isputting it in all those within His Church—New Testament spiritual Israel.
We have seen that Old Testament stories, accounts and examples are for our learning. But will we trulyLEARN the lessons that God intends for us?
Beware that you do not unwittingly make the same mistake that nearly all professing Christians make—and that ancient Israel made. I speak of those who say, “I wear makeup, but I don’t do it to copy or use the methods of a prostitute.”
This parallels popular thinking regarding the celebration of Christmas and Easter. Christmas comes from the Roman Saturnalia and from customs centered on Baal worship. It has nothing to do with Christ. Yet, so many say, “Well, I don’t keep Christmas for those reasons. I keep it Christ-centered.” Easter and all of its customs are utterly pagan and celebrate the Egyptian, Babylonian, Mesopotamian goddess, Ishtar. While it also has nothing to do with Christ, many assert, “Well, I don’t keep Easter with those customs in mind, I do it focusing on Christ.” (Once again, our free booklet The True Origin of Eastershows how serious this is to God.)
Each time God delivered ancient Israel from captivity, she had learned nothing and eventually repeated the same mistakes. This always led her right back into slavery and servitude to her enemies. She never learned the lesson of avoiding compromise—even a little bit—with God’s plain, blunt instructions. Will you compromise with the plain Word of God?
Just as God washed, purified, and adorned ancient Israel with beautiful clothes and jewels, He is doing the same with His Church today. Marriage between two converted people is directly compared to how Christ is working with His future bride. Notice: “Husbands, LOVE your wives, even as Christ also LOVEDthe church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:25-27).
This pictures a bride who has carefully prepared her character—her “garments” of the inner heart—in readying herself for her upcoming Wedding Supper (Rev. 19:7-9). Nothing suggests that she is unprepared until she has put on her makeup or painted her eyes. Instead, this pictures Christ cleansing—washing—her.
Would Christ then delay His Wedding until His bride had “put her face back on”—and only then be willing to marry her? Ridiculous! This goes against every other plain scripture and principle in God’s Word.
Ladies, God is concerned with what kind of a person you are inside. This is what makes a woman trulybeautiful. He is not concerned with outward beauty, and labels painted women as whores.
If you obey God and follow His truth without compromise, you have an incredible future. You can look forward to rulership in God’s government. You will not need makeup as a member of the ruling Family of God, because your face will shine like the sun! (Read our free booklet How Religion Deceives You About Your Incredible Future to learn more.)
Your Responsibility
With this statement, Herbert W. Armstrong concluded his booklet TRUTH About MAKEUP:
“Women do NOT have to be like the world in ways that transgress the spirit of God’s Law! They do NOThave to wear lipstick or other make-up.
“Worldliness is conforming to the world in ways that transgress the letter or the spirit of God’s Law. Wearing make-up is worldliness—and THE BIBLE brands worldliness as SIN!
“Yes, it is either VANITY, or it is conforming to the world! It is SIN!
“And God’s people must put away their sins.
“CHRIST had to shed His precious BLOOD—give His wonderful, perfect LIFE—because many of you women have been guilty of committing this SIN! That’s the price HE paid to CLEANSE you of this habit!”
Your Decision
“There is so much more that could be said on this subject that I could go on and on and fill 100 pages! But I think this is enough! Every woman who wants that deceitfulness and wickedness removed from her heart is going to remove that physical colored dirt from her face, once and for all!
“Those yielded to the CHRIST who paid such a PRICE for this very cleansing will need no more. Those not so yielded would not repent and let the precious blood of Christ cleanse them, and their faces, though I write ten thousand pages! God lays down the LAW. God tells us what is sin, and He tells us that this vain use of facial make-up is SIN!
“But God leaves it to YOU to decide whether to sin! And never forget the PENALTY for this sin is DEATHfor eternity in a Lake of FIRE! It is truly, an AWFUL—a FRIGHTFUL FATE. You are WARNED! You are a free moral agent. That decision is now YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! What are you going to do with it?”
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