Showing posts with label Messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messages. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Billionaire Bull Novogratz: Bitcoin Will be the ‘Biggest Bubble of Our Lifetimes’ [And That’s Okay]

Billionaire investor and hedge fund manager Mike Novogratz has made the claim that ‘bitcoin will be the biggest bubble of our lifetimes.’

Speaking at a conference in New York on Tuesday, Novogratz explained that there is a lot of fraud in something that’s ‘exciting’ as the crypto market, reportsCNBC, adding:

I think this [crypto] is going to be the biggest bubble of our lifetimes by a long shot. To be fair, this is a bubble and there’s a lot of fraud mixed in. We look at tons of projects. And some get funded, and they literally look like Ponzi’s.

However, unlike critics who have said dismissed the digital currency as a speculative bubble, the former Fortress manager wasn’t using his bubble comment as a negative connotation. In October, during an interview, Novogratz was asked whether bitcoin’s gains constituted a bubble. Even though he replied in the affirmative, he added that this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, adding:

Historically, manias or bubbles happen around things that fundamentally change the way we live. If it’s the railroad bubble or the Internet bubble, it really changed the way we live.

He added that in 10 to 15 years the blockchain and decentralised systems would be in use everywhere, claiming that this bubble is ‘going to be the great manias of all time.’

Since October, bitcoin has not onlyscaled the $10,000 milestone, but it’s continuing upward trajectory has pushed it up to its current value of $11,147, according to CoinMarketCap, pushing its market total to $185.7 billion for the first time.

The comments from Novogratz, who has compared to bitcoin to digital gold, come at a time when he recently stated that bitcoin could ‘easily‘ reach $40,000 by the end of 2018. Furthermore, he was reported yesterday as saying that the digital currency market cap will reach $2 trillion at the end of next year. At present, it’s worth an impressive $339.1 billion, making it more valuable than Visa and theBank of America. Slowly, but surely, it’s steadily gaining on the market cap of JPMorgan Chase, at $343 billion, who’s CEO called bitcoin ‘a fraud‘ in September.

However, while Novogratz believes that the cryptocurrency will reach $40,000 by the end of 2018. he doesn’t think that the journey will be smooth sailing.

He added:

There will be wild crashes in it because you’re going to get to levels so far ahead of where the technology’s at. It makes investing really, really exciting, but difficult.

Since the beginning of the year, bitcoin’s value has, so far, increased by more than 1,000 percent.

Sunday, 10 April 2016


Churches have a lot of programmes during this season to the extent that people don't know which one to attend. My prayer for you is that after reading this article may the Holy Spirit quicken your mortal bodies to believe the content and at the same time participate fully. Old time faith ministries is synonymous with 7 nights of possibilities in the city of Port Harcourt, but permit me to say that the uniqueness of this programme is on the 
theme: "FREEDOM FROM WATER SPIRIT". Water spirit had caused a lot of problems to humanity.

These spirits live inside the water. It might interest you to know that about 72% of the whole earth is covered by water, there is water above (And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.Genesis 1:7) and water under the earth (Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deuteronomy 5:8). Moreso, the human body is composed of about 53% of water.

72% of the whole earth is water, water on the land, water under the earth and human body is composed of 53% of water. That's serious!!!

There is new revelation the Lord has given to me concerning this wicked spirit that had caused a lot of problems to humanity. In this programme, all shall be unveiled. Tell all your friends about the programme. Send them our online TV address ( so they can watch the programme live from any device, tell them that there shall be Revelation, Impartation, Healing, Purity and Deliverance

Time and space will not allow me to share with you God's mercies in our midst
Here is a pretty woman who attended our 7 nights of possibilities testify what the Lord had done for her in the presence of the mamont crowd. She said that she hated her husband that loved her so much and bought a car for her. According to her she said that the husband was carrying her like egg but she hated him with abject hatred, she was much happier when her husband travelled. She wished he was not around.

During one of the nights of 7 nights of possibilities, the topic was on war against water spirit. After the spiritual fight (prayers) in the church, in the night when she went back to sleep, a huge tall man came to her in the dream and told her to give him his ring that he could not withstand the fire anymore and that he was no longer interested in the marriage.
The man collected the ring and left and when he was going, in that dream she was begging and calling the man to come back and the man angrily left and she woke up and discovered it was a dream. It was done on her that all these years it was the spirit husband that had been causing all the havocs in her marriage.

It was like veil went out of her, she began to love, cherish, respect her husband like never before. According to her she said, any time her husband was not around she was missing him. With joy in her heart and gratitude to God she returned the glory to God who delivered her from this wicked spirit.

I don’t know what you are going through in life, read the following and if you discover any of such in your life then your must not miss this programme:

1. Did your grandparents serve water spirit?
2. Do you make love in the dream with a person or even a snake?
3. Do you see yourself stark naked and you cannot tell who removed your clothes on the bed       at the middle of the night?
4. Do you see yourself on the floor while your spouse on the bed in the middle of the night?
5. Do you swim in the river in your dream?
6. Did somebody put wedding ring in your finger in the dream and since then you have been       finding it difficult to marry or do you have a feeling of ring in your finger?
7. Do you see your period in the dream and few days later it comes out physically?
8. Do you see anything red, like blood, red oil, red cloth in the dream and few days later you       see your period?
9. Do you have beautiful sisters or handsome brothers that cannot marry?
10. Do you breast feed a baby in the dream or give birth while physically you are not                     pregnant nor have a baby?
11. Do you see a personality in the dream that says unless you worship me, you will not make       it in life?
12. Do you experience miscarriages upon miscarriages after somebody used the face of your         husband to make love with you in the dream?
13. Does your husband fall sick during your ovulation period or during that period                         misunderstandings from nowhere sets in until the period is over and peace returns?  
14. Are you being chased anywhere you go by men even though you are ugly, married or               single?
15. Is poverty or near success syndrome taking place in your family? and many more.

Date: 18th - 24th April 2016
Time: 8pm to 2am Nigeria time. (GMT +1)

Venue: OLD TIME FAITH MINISTRIES. Nnodi street by chief ogbuga off eastern bye pass ogbunabali port harcourt, Rivers state Nigeria or any off our satellite churches closest to you. 

Join us live on 

Once again be reminded that in this programme there shall be REVELATION, IMPARTATION, HEALING, PURITY, RESTORATION OF LOST GLORIES, PREPARING THE SAINTS FOR HEAVEN AND ONE ON ONE DELIVERANCE. I am looking forward to seeing you there.

Pastor Walter O. Zach (General Overseer)

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Does Character Really Determine Our Success In Life?

We usually don’t think of character as having a direct effect on our successes or failures. But when we consider the individual qualities that together make up a our character, we can easily see that it does.

Students can often succeed with better grades by being diligent to study and work problems every day and by showing endurance when he/she is tired and would like to quit.

Magic Johnson, one of basketball’s all-time great players, developed his skills in part by practicing every day as  youth. He demonstrated determination and persistence.

Abraham Lincoln became President after repeatedly losing elections for lower offices. His character was such that he would not give up.
There are endless examples… how attention to detail has made the difference, how diligence has paid off, how a person’s dependability has put them in line for promotion.

There also are many, many negative examples. Richard Nixon’s failure to be truthful eventually led to his downfall. O. J. Simpson’s apparent lack of self-control caused extreme problems for him. A student’s lack of diligence led to him not being able to complete his course of study.

What Can We Do To Improve Our Character and Become More Successful?

Benjamin Franklin designed for himself a plan for building character that certainly seems to have been successful in many respects.  He identified thirteen character qualities that he felt he needed to improve in his own life and he devised a method of focusing his attention on each of those qualities for one week at a time. Thus, during a year’s time, Mr. Franklin would go through his entire list four times. (Click here to read Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography online for free.)
From Benjamin Franklin’s plan we learn the value of focusing our attention on one character quality at a time. During that time we should seek to understand as much as possible about the character quality – what it really is, how it has been illustrated in positive and negative ways in history, how it can be applied to our own life situations. We should also attempt to live our lives as if we fully possessed the character quality upon which we are focusing. We should be aware of how the character quality (or the lack of it) is demonstrated in the lives of those around us and evaluate the results and consequences we see in their lives.
Each of us can, as Benjamin Franklin did, undertake to improve our own character. We can intentionally seek to build good character qualities into our lives and the lives of our family members.  Like Benjamin Franklin, we can study one character quality at a time and apply what we learn in our lives. (The best tools I know of for studying individual character traits are the character bulletins published by Character First!)
We can certainly demonstrate good character on the job and in our community and encourage others to do the same. We can recognize the vital importance of character to the success of our lives, our businesses, the organizations to which we belong, and to our country and world, and we can seek to influence the part of the world that we touch to become involved in developing better character. Many resources are available to us. If we will use them, we can make a difference our own lives, in our families and communities, and, ultimately, in our world.

Real Self Improvement Is Character Improvement

How character affects the world around us.

The World Needs Better Character! Today’s world faces many difficult problems. Escalating crime, drug and alcohol abuse, workplace violence, gang activity, vandalism, school dropouts, deteriorating work ethics, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, racial tensions, broken families … The list seems endless.
At their root, all of these problems spring out of the lack, or mis-application, of good character qualities. If we are to find lasting solutions to the problems of our day, we must deal with these roots! We must work to improve our own character, teach good character to our children, and help those around us to improve their character! Character development is essential to the ongoing success of our society. That is why Character Education is so important. Character truly is the Key to Success!

Businesses Need Employees with Good Character Qualities

The character qualities of the people in a business have everything to do with the success or failure of the business.  It affects productivity, profitability, and ultimately even the success or failure of the business.

Thursday, 24 March 2016


No matter how gifted you are, how studious you are is what determines how colourful your [life] will be.
Brain lifting barbell. Mind power concept.

“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
An interesting story about the man Isaac Newton, a renowned physicist, popularly known for propounding the law of gravity, is told. It was said that he was once under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head and so he began to ponder on why the apple fell all the way to the ground and didn’t stop mid-air. He thought of the pulling force behind it and that brought about the law of gravity which is known to all today.
An exercise of the mind is your gateway to outstanding discoveries. Great inventions are made by those who meditate on the “seemingly” normal circumstances.
In you are great potentials, but your mind plays a vital part in bringing them out. One way you can exercise your mind is by studying. No matter how gifted you are, how studious you are is what determines how colourful your [life] will be.

Your mental capacity is so broad that it can accommodate and process almost any information; but until you exercise it to do that, it would remain ordinary to you. Don’t just seat on empty dreams, think discoveries and innovations, think big and wide, but back it up with as much information as you can gather.
Yes, you have greatness inside of you, but the knowledge you gather is what sharpens your mind for exploits. The major difference between a success and a failure is [the utilization of] information. When you gather positive resources and ponder on the information gotten, you receive inspiration for new innovations. Through positive exercise of the mind, you can break new grounds, and that’s what brings out the star in you. Exercise that mind today!

Monday, 21 March 2016


If you are single, read these tips with an eye on what you will want to do in a long-term relationship. If you are in a relationship, pick one or two of the five ideas and integrate them into your relationship now. You will be amazed at how many nice feelings you can create quickly by taking a few simple steps.
1. Try your best to love your partner unconditionally even if it seems hard not to be selfish.
2. Think from your partner’s perspective when it comes to matters of the heart.
3. End an argument as soon as possible, even if hugging your partner is the last thing on your mind. Don’t let a day or your partner go to bed when s/he is sad.
4. Communicate with each other and grow together in love, but never grow apart with lack of communication as the years pass by.
5. Learn to give space to each other to become better individuals. Even the closest of relationships need some alone time to miss each other now and then.
6. Never take each other for granted. This is the easiest way to fall prey to affairs and arguments.
7. Never shy away from positive criticism. As long as you say it in a constructive manner, it’ll help your partner become a better person.
8. Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what. Tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship. Stand by your partner, and when the storm ends, love will shine brighter.
9. Never argue in public, keep that argument until u reach home
10. Always pray together, whatever you do in life always put God first!
Prayer is the key...

Sunday, 20 March 2016


What Does The Bible Teach About The Christian Way of Life?
  • There is no Christian life apart from faith in Jesus Christ:
  • There is no Christian life apart from the power of God the Holy Spirit:
  • There is no Christian life apart from the knowledge of the Word of God:
What is the Christian's purpose on earth? Every believer in Jesus Christ should ask himself this question, "after salvation, what?" If you say, "to work for Jesus," then you don't have very much knowledge of the Word of God.

Eternal salvation becomes an accomplished fact at the moment of faith in Jesus Christ. Heaven is absolutely guaranteed for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. But the quality of the believer's life on earth depends on him carrying out the plan of God after salvation. Impact and blessings in time and eternity depend on fulfilling God's plan in time. Therefore, the question becomes emphatic. What is God's plan for the Christian after the point of personal faith in Christ? God freely gives "all things" after providing salvation (Romans 8:32). What are these things that God provides?

The simplest answer is this: He provides Bible doctrine for His people to learn. The Bible reveals God's purpose and plan. Only through growing in knowledge concerning God can anyone appreciate, love, and worship Him. As Christians we are commanded to "change our thinking" with divine viewpoint thinking so God's gracious purpose can be fulfilled in and through our lives. (Romans 12:2; Eph 1:18; 4:22-24).

God's purpose for the Christian calls for spiritual growth. II Peter 3:18, "But grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....." II Timothy 2:15, "Study to show yourself approved of God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 

The Christian is kept alive on earth to fulfill his destiny, which is to become a spiritually mature believer, a spiritual winner. ".....a mature person to the measure of the maturity which belongs to the fullness of Christ." (Eph 4:13-16). Each believer's life becomes a unique expression of the glory of God in both time and eternity (Rom 8:29-30; 9:23-24), but only the spiritually mature believer's life glorifies God by receiving the highest and best that God has prepared for him (Rom 6:1-2a; I John 1:5-2:6). 

Divine blessings that the Christian can understand and experience and the overt manifestations of the Christian way of life only comes as a result of spiritual growth. And the Bible teaches that the only means of spiritual growth is the believer's consistent RECEPTION (hearing & listening), RETENTION (learning), and RECALL (application) of Bible doctrine in the filling or controlling mininstry of the Holy Spirit through all the circumstances of life.

Bible doctrine is the content of the Word of God which God designed to be communicated to the believer in Jesus Christ so that it will become the measure of his thinking, and the source of his mental attitude (Rom 12:3; II Tim 3:16-17; Phil 2:5; Heb 4:16;). The importance of Bible doctrine can never be overestimated. In fact, God places His own Word above everything else, even His own name: Psalm 138:2 tells us that "God has magnified (lifted up) His Word above His name."

His Word reveals His nature and His essence. Only the Scriptures allow us to get a glimpse of God's absolute character and to love the revealed member of the Godhead, Jesus Christ (John 1:18). The Bible is absolute truth, the thinking of Jesus Christ (Phil 2:5). I Peter 1:8 tells us that "Though we have not seen Him, we love Him." But this only occurs when we begin to understand His thinking and His viewpoint.

Understanding God's Word is the root of all Christian virtue. It causes the transformation of the believer's life, beginning with the inner person, the soul (Rom 12:2). The Christian's persistent learning and application of Bible doctrine in the filling or controlling ministry of the Holy Spirit enlarges his capacities for life, for love, for service, for blessings, and for happiness (II Corinthians 9:7-8). God's "greater grace" fills up the mature believer's greater capacities "to all the fullness of God." (James 4:6; Eph 3:19). In blessing the believer, God is glorified (Eph 1:3).

Therefore, the Christian life has a very high and elevated purpose here on earth. To bring glory to Jesus Christ and be a testimony to everyone around. And this is only possible when the believer places himself under the consistent learning and application of Bible doctrine in the filling or controlling ministry of the Holy Spirit. If every believer would make his objective to accomplish this, most of the problems within our communities, cities, states and our nation would begin to deteriorate. They would not cease, because Satan will remain the ruler of this world until Jesus Christ returns to set up His Kingdom, but the problems would become more manageable.

Therefore, I challenge you to place your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, if you haven't already; then to place yourself under the consistent ministry of the Word of God, either under a pastor-teacher who teaches the Word, or by listening to Bible tapes. But keep as your number one priority in the Christian life, the learning of Bible doctrine in the filling of the Holy Spirit. It is only when you do this that you can fulfill the purpose of God in your life.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Morning Motivational Messages

  1. A smile is a language everybody understands. It costs nothing but creates much. It happens fast but its memory may last forever. Keep smiling.
  1. A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here’s a big smile just for you.
  2. A warm “hello” doesn’t come from the lips, it comes from the heart; doesn’t have to be told, it has to be shown; doesn’t have to be given, it has to be sent.
  3. All mornings are like a painting, you need a little inspiration to get you going, a little smile to brighten it and a message from someone who cares to color your day.
  4. Count your good deeds every morning and fill your mind with positive thoughts.That is secret to being happy and inspired all day long.
  5. Do your best everyday and the results will follow. You need to create that mindset not at sunset or night but at the earliest morning after prayers.
  6. Don’t blame God for not leaving you gifts. He gives you the gift of a new day with every single morning. Good morning.
  7. Don’t wake up with the regret of what you couldn’t accomplish yesterday. Wake up with the inspiration of what you will be able to achieve today. Good morning.
  8. Even the smallest of deeds have the potential to create the biggest of successes. Good morning.
  9. Every great movement starts with a simple thought in the mind. It begins with a little step forward. Never discount what you are doing right now and call it small – as long as you are moving forward.
  10. Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It’s a perfect day because it’s God’s gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with.
  11. Every morning you have two choices, continue your sleep with dreams or wake up and chase your dreams. Choice is Yours. Good Morning.
  12. God smiled at me just this morning thru the rising sunrays. I’m sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you a warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing.
  13. Good Morning Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise gives us, One day more to hope. So, hope for the best! Good Day; Good Luck!
  14. Good morning is not just a word, its an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right!
  15. Good thoughts precede great deeds. Great deeds precede success. Have a great day.
  16. Helping people, being kind, doing something new is my new agenda every day. That is the way I build up my morning and stay vibrant all day long.
  17. Hey, good morning! Rise and shine! As you open your eyes to greet the morning sun, I wish that you would be well and fine.
  18. I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.
  19. If you don’t wake up right now with your full might, you will never be able to achieve that dream you saw last night. Good morning.
  20. If you think positively Sound becomes music Movement becomes dance Smile becomes laughter Mind becomes meditation And life becomes a celebration. Good Morning.
  21. Let roses of beautiful thoughts surround you and may the fruits of success greet you this morning. Not just a good day but may you live a day of excellence and success.
  22. Life is perishable – the quicker you consume it, the better it feels. Stop thinking, start living. Good morning.
  23. Love makes all things beautiful. Once groggy and lazy morning has now turned into expectation, excitement and butterflies in the stomach all because of LOVE.
  24. Never get tired of doing little things to others, because sometimes those little things may mean so much to them. That’s why I won’t get tired of sending my little hi to you.
  25. One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere, someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day.
  26. People vanish, people die. People laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget, but never will I. Good morning!
  27. Someday, you will find one who will watch every sunrise with you until the sunset of your life.
  28. Sometimes we expect more from others because we’d be willing to do that much for them. Good Morning! Have a Nice Day!
  29. Sometimes, life gets so busy that we could not find time to say “Thank you” to someone who has been so nice and wonderful. “Thank you!”
  30. Success comes to those who have the will power to win over their snooze buttons. Wishing you an awesome morning.
  31. Success is not just a measure of how big you can DREAM, it is also a measure of how much you can DO. Good morning.
  32. The greatest inspiration you can ever get is to know that you are an inspiration to others. Wake up and start living an inspirational life today. Good morning.
  33. This morning is what it is because you were what you were yesterday. Be what you should be today so that you can become what you want to become tomorrow. Good morning.
  34. This morning will never ever come back in your life again. Get up and make the most of it. Good morning.
  35. While you wake up today, Someone is breathing their Last Breath. Thank God for another day. Don’t waste it!
  36. If you feel a lack of motivation during your day, you can following the below guide to 6 easy steps to gain ultimate motivation. Motivation is key to getting things done and it is the primary reason why we continue to move forward.